Sunday, April 26, 2009

Promotion and Rolling With The Punches

This weekend I did a Saturday first-time show. My sales covered all of my expenses and fees, but were otherwise uninspiring.

My initial thoughts? "First-time show... The economy... Fort Worth..." etc. But I generally aknowledge that success is sometimes purely a crap-shoot. Mood or whim or location or whatever can contribute to an 'off day'..and I had one.

Imagine my surprise when another vendor and friend at the same exact show commented that it had been her single most successful show ever!

Who knows why, but two things stood out for me:

1) She had fresh work, just produced/finished that week and;

2) She'd invited tons of folks she knew, had sold to before, were family and friends, etc.

Maybe just excitement, fresh work and promotion did it. Or maybe not...but it doesn't hurt!



  1. We are glad you were part of the Spring Fling Larry & look forward to working with you in the future! Jessica

  2. I also had slow sales on Saturday, but I think it has a lot to do with the economy and the time of year for the show. There isn't a lot of "have to" buying in April, no major gift giving holidays coming up. I probably won't do any other shows this year until Fall. I hope to do the Jingle Bash again, as well as if Funky Finds does a Fall show.

  3. Two things I've learned in doing shows with you and Etsy Dallas...sales are hard to predict and promotion is everything. Also, whether or not sales were good, I think of something I can do to improve my booth for next time.
